Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Losing Weight: Do the research!

As you all know I am on a quest to send that snarky scale at my Dr's office straight to hell.  I know she is still sitting there laughing at the girl who cant control herself.  Just kidding I have some self control, sort of, sometimes, not really with food so much. Ok, so basically I have no self control with food.  I love it so much.  I have been known, on several occasions, to eat an entire back of snack size snickers, thus defeating the purpose of getting the snack size ones. Anyways part of my diet mission is to be sure that I am educated, so I can hopefully this time create a plan I can stick with and change my lifestyle.

Do your research! Research when you are starting anything new whether its a diet, a workout regimen, religion, clubs, etc, is crucial.  You need to know what your options are.  In the diet world the options are countless as every "guru" knows what is best.  Thats why people get on diets, lose weight, then gain it all back.  They didnt do their research and were looking for a quick fix.  You cant expect a quick fix to equate to a long term weight loss plan.  As I mentioned in the last blog, I am at an advantage as far as research goes.  Grant and I both took a genetic test so we know that he is a fat reducer and I am a carb reducer.  Basically we can eat nothing. Awesome! :) Just kidding, thats where the research comes in.

Pinterest, how you save my life daily! Im not sure how I survived without pinterest, or how I thought of any of my own ideas.  Ironically, I have yet to successfully complete any pinterest crafts I have started.  I have used a few of the recipes but usually just look at the picture and wing it. Another diet downfall, winging it leads to more calories or yucky food. Feel free to look at my pinterest or do your own pinterest research for what you want in a diet.

I also use Google, my favorite thing ever!  Now dont get your mind blown by this amazing research im about to share, but simple articles like this can help you to better understand the diet you are about to begin.  Here is an article on starting a low carb diet and what to learn and expect.

STOP LYING TO YOURSELF! Ok sorry for the shouty capitals! But for real just because you are not downing a loaf of bread followed by a bag of cookies doesnt mean you are low carb.  Carbs are little devils that get into everything, jerks.  As I was enjoying a nice helping of my applesauce yesterday thinking how healthy I am being and patting myself on the back I look down to realize there are like 8 million carbs in this, really?  So look at food labels, you dont have to get all crazy and like keep count of everything, unless you want to, I dont. Aint nobody got time for that.

Also dont lie to yourself and think that you are magically going to be a diet guru.  You're not. Im not a diet guru. I generally have no idea what Im talking about, thus the research and my innate ability to make crap up. :)
So anyways the point of this blog post is to do research.  Figure out exactly what kind of diet you want to do, what foods you are willing to give up, what changes you are ACTUALLY going to make.  Then spend some time looking at your different options, different diet plans, meal plans, etc.  I always make a meal plan because then I might actually stick to it, plus it saves me from going to the store everyday when I get a new idea from pinterest. The other great thing about pinterest and Google is that you dont have to do much work, if you want a full diet plan with menu and grocery lists those exist, I just dont like being confined to that. So go forth into the world and conquer your diet plan!

Be a Conqueror!

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