Monday, January 21, 2013

Dear Fat, Please leave!

This will be a gripping tale of my tragic encounter with the scale at the Dr's office today, and my plan for sending that scale straight to hell!
Well, I am on day 3 of a super case of laryngitis, meaning I have absolutely no voice.  For me this is quite a situation as I love to talk, and laugh, and sing, and just be loud in general.  So im basically dying here, which is why I have been a blogging machine.  Due to the laryngitis situation I went to the Dr today in hopes of getting a nice shot that will quickly cure this and bring my voice back, no dice.  Apparently there is no way to fix laryngitis, just time. Major bummer.  Another major bummer encountered at the Dr's office today was the much hated scale, and today I hated it the most ever!

Something about getting married and getting an office job signals to your body that its time to get fat, so most people about my age start packing on the pounds.  Its easy to explain them away, or take less notice because really who am I trying to impress.  Well that stupid number on that stupid scale today was the straw that breaks the camels back, poor camel, his back really broke because my big butt was sitting on him. Bless it.  Anywho, its time for the fat to take leave and go find someone else to torment.  So now comes the part where I make a diet plan.  I cant really do strenuous cardio at the moment due to some back issues, so Pilates and Yoga is all I have as far as working out, and while theyre great they are not exactly the fat busters that I need, so once again I must rely on food to help me out!

The PLAN! I make diet plans all the time, its sticking with them that I am terrible at, luckily that scale was some serious motivation.  So what is the first thing I did, refer to pinterest of course!  My board, "One Day When I'm Healthy" typically provides me with some great ideas on where to start. I took a genetic test about a year ago that told me I am a carb reducer, no big deal I said im not a huge carb eater anyways. LIES LIES LIES, although I didnt realize I was lying, I also didnt realize that carbs are in EVERYTHING, like for real. So I tried to create a plan that is low carb but not icky. The one thing I have read is that for anyone on a low carb diet its good to eat protein, be creative about it though, dont just eat beef jerky and cheese all day.

Step One: Breakfast

I luckily already had it in my mind that I needed to get it together so while at the store buying Mucinex I also picked up a big batch of fresh fruit to make smoothie packs.  Smoothie packs are a pinterest idea where you put all your ingredients in a bag and freeze it, when ready just throw it in the blender.  UH YES PLEASE! I love easy, we are busy people and I am becoming less of a morning person the older I get.  (it probably also has to do with the fact I dont go to bed until after midnight thanks to Grant the night owl). Anywho these packs were super simple, just diced up the fruit, added a half cup or so of yogurt (I use vanilla Greek yogurt because I am a yogurt snob and dont want your watered down mess) and threw them in the freezer! In my meal plan I also included days where I would have boiled eggs and fruit or oatmeal.

Step Two: Lunch

UGH Lunch.  I hate thinking about this because it always takes planning.  Grant and I's typical morning involves some sort of rushing, throwing random leftovers or whatever might be in the fridge in a bag and calling that lunch.  If there is nothing in the fridge then we eat out.  And I wonder how I got fat. Anyways back to lunch.  Here are a few of the things I put down, spinach salad, tuna stuffed tomatoes, zucchini pizza bites (pinterest), and tilapia over spinach.  Its important to me for lunch to be filling, but not heavy because then its nap time.  In fact one day after a particularly heavy lunch I decided to rest my eyes for a few minutes, 20 min later I woke up to someone knocking on my office door and the pattern of my sweater imprinted on my forhead. Classy and very boss like of me. UGH.  Sooo a filling but light lunch is important, regardless of what diet you are on.

Snack Time

What, you're on a diet, you cant snack. WRONG! I am a snacker, that is by far my biggest down fall.  It is about learning how to snack and when to snack.  I typically go about 5-6 hours between lunch and dinner, and that is usually when I want a snack.  A snickers, a cookie, a cupcake, a bag of chips, anything delicious and fattening is my typical go to.  Well fat no more I say, time to change those snacking habits.  I planned a snack for each day and tried to coordinate fruit on the days that I didnt get fruit in my breakfast (oatmeal days).  Apple's are great for you, they give you energy, are full of anti-oxidants, and can be very filling, so those are a great snack option.  We also have access to a brand called Nutrilite, an organic vitamin and supplement company.  Nutrilite makes delicious, I mean seriously delicious, 100 calorie snack bars, so those are also on my list.  These are  actually really great because they come in several flavors like caramel cream, chocolate caramel, cranberry crunch, and fudgy brownie.  They satisfy my sweet tooth, really I have a mouthful of sweet teeth, its pretty ridiculous how much I love sugar. I also added trail mix to the snack list, nuts provide protein and energy, a winning combination!

Step Three: Supper Time

Thats right, I said supper, its a Texas thing, yall wouldnt understand! So dinner, dinner is a toughy for me.  You dont want to eat a super heavy dinner as typically you sit and so does your meal.  I run into the problem of being hungry again before bed.  As you remember from above my husband the night owl and I, the one who has no choice in being a night owl, stay up super late.  If we eat at 6 then by midnight im about to gnaw his arm off.  WHAT TO DO??  Well there are a couple of options.  I tried to plan dinners that will keep me full, but also its always good to have some healthy snack options around at night as well.  I wont lie, the dinners I have planned for this particular diet week are not very exciting.  Basically a meat and two veggies.  Pretty basic.  I always try to rotate chicken, beef, and fish so we dont get burnt out on anything.  I will say there is a quiche I am making that Grant and I discovered when doing a ten day cleanse before a cruise last year.  It has no crust (yay low carb) its just eggs, diced chicken, onions, shallots, asparagus, and dill.  Its legit, I actually make that rather frequently.

So, hopefully since I blogged this for the world to see I can actually stick to the diet plan and report back in a week on the progress.  Who knows I may invent some delicious new healthy recipe this week! Or I may eat my weight in cupcakes, its too soon to tell. :)

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